So it came to pass, that in the days before, came omens and foretokenings, and rumors of portent.
For it had been seen before, of the champions of the palace city, who wear the banner of their vanquished foe-men's head, that if they should on the eve contest another city, and vanquish them, then would the throne remain with them that held it;
But when the champions shall fall, so with them the current court.
Then in a hamlet wherein the people rose most early, or retired most late, but having withal overmuch time to their hands, would congregate to vote most soonest of all the nation. So it was that the full one-and-twenty of them that would bother, did cast their votes most early. And their voices came to call for one prospect over the other, by margin so wide as to secure any field trip destination.
And there came those who would say, 'Hark! Here is a novelty; like unto a ground-hog predicting weather; and having yet no news of any use regarding the proceedings, let us remark upon this!'
And even so did they.
And it came that even in the house of the ruling court, could there clearly be read the writing upon the wall. And in the court were those who tired of the joke, and did so declare, for they were sore full with the street, down; and others who remained, to praise the fine raiment of the Emperor-presumptive.
Yet undaunted stayed he, hero of war, mighty prisoner; in his camp was no dark word spoken, and no unkind news did take his ear, for no news of any sort had his ears entertained for long many months. Loud did he rattle his sword yet, and red the flashing teeth his war-dogs bared, and victory proclaimed he in the face of the tide.
For indeed, not very bright was he.
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