Not an entirely unfamiliar image, is it? You've probably seen some variation of the concept on any number of fantasy paperback covers and movie posters -- it's got to be at least as common as 'guy holding sword over head'.
Tonight I sat in the lowering evening on the porch behind a local coffee shop, and looked up at one point to see exactly this scene: soft blue radiance, dramatic underlighting, expression of slightly amused concentration. Of course, the woman I was sitting with wasn't doing anything really magical -- just using her phone to communicate with a friend across a great distance. Nothing to think twice about.
Walking home, rather toward the bus stop toward home, I passed a well-lit soccer field and saw a bunch of Mexicans playing cricket, a game I don't think I've ever previously ever actually witnessed in person.
Then I found a dime.
I went to a restaurant near home, had some beer, and managed to spend no more than five dollars more than I really should have. I got a dessert for free.
Tonight I turned thirty-six. I don't know how long my current job will last and I'm not entirely sure what's going to become of my current apartment lease. Things, in general, seem to happen almost entirely at random. But tonight has been really good.
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