Moreover, your contention that Top Picks for me, personally, should include 'Moonstruck' and 'The Secret Garden' comes close to direct insult. Put any more Cher on that list and I shall be forced to demand satisfaction with pistols.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Dear Netflix,
No, 'Session 9' is not an adequate substitute for 'Hellraiser'. The only thing for which 'Session 9' is an adequate substitute is Unisom.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Gaze Into the Eye of Eternity
Silence in the absence of mind. A moment frozen, now eternal, no past, no future. Water on stone. A lesson in Zen:
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Dear Internet...
Okay, look: part of the normal course of using a web browser is clicking on a newly-loaded page to select it, following which the arrow keys can be used to scroll up and down. This is a common occurrence and I (here representing the web-using public at large) am quite accustomed to clicking on a blank part of a page to do this. Usually I click on the far right or left side of the page as it's loading, since that way I don't risk accidentally hitting a link in the page content which I can't see yet.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I Had To...

...not because the title "Getting A Shot: You Can Do It!" makes for such an easy joke, but because Sid's right hand was already in that exact position, needing no editing.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Ten Word Tale of Terror
From a description of the EPCOT attraction "The Making of Me" comes this chilling gem of an ultrashort horror story:
"Hosted by Martin Short, this film is about human reproduction."
"Hosted by Martin Short, this film is about human reproduction."
Monday, September 6, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Hoozits and Whatsits Galore
Wow, three months since the last post. It has been one king HELL of a three-month period however, and there is a string of fascinating stories to share about where I've been lo these many days. So naturally, here's an unrelated post about cartoon nudity.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
No Ifs or Ands
Internet humor has not yet hit bottom -- a fundamental element has been taken up by the bums bringing up the rear at A Butt A Day, and one hopes they'll get to more movies in the end, even if they're way behind on posting.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Thumb Twiddle!
A trivial post while I procrastinate over my intolerably delayed Live Nude Bisque articles -- now I'm behind by four restaurants, and our millions of fans are slavering I tell you, slavering.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Dear Taco Bell,
Eww. No, no, no...shrimp? At Taco Bell? Ew, no. No. Ew.
Thanks anyway, but...ick. No. Don't do seafood. Don't. Ick.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Toward a Science of Disney Formulas
In a random conversation last night I found myself making the unfounded generalization that Disney villains all but universally fall off cliffs. Since this is, in fact, a topic I return to fairly frequently, I decided to do some actual research to back this sweeping statement up. It turns out that it's very close to entirely accurate -- or at least, of the Disney villains who die, falling from a height is by far the most common fate.
This little study accomplishes nothing, save that now when I make this generalization, it will not be unfounded.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Elsewhere in the Tubes
Mister Nihil, aka James' Dad, has initiated a new project in which I am entangled: Live Nude Bisque, a food related blog with an emphasis on reviewing, or at least saying peculiar things about, restaurants and coffee shops in Austin. Other features intended to be implemented are discussions of recipes, baking, and the ongoing chronicles of my search for the secrets of soft pretzelry.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
SyFy Hates Fans, Purpose, Self
The Sender brings to my attention the fabulous degree to which the management at the channel formerly known as SciFi have their heads up their own syffies:
"History has long been associated with painfully boring classes about dusty old shit involving people who are like, totally dead. When people enjoy a movie like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, they don't think it's history; they think it's a good movie. By changing the name officially to The Hitler Channel, we get the best of both worlds!"
“The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular,” said TV historian Tim Brooks, who helped launch Sci Fi Channel when he worked at USA Network."Food has long been associated with fat people who fart a lot. We spent a lot of time in the 90's trying to distance the Food Network from food."
Mr. Brooks said that when people who say they don’t like science fiction enjoy a film like “Star Wars,” they don’t think it’s science fiction; they think it’s a good movie.
“We spent a lot of time in the ’90s trying to distance the network from science fiction, which is largely why it’s called Sci Fi,” Mr. Brooks said. “It’s somewhat cooler and better than the name ‘Science Fiction.’ But even the name Sci Fi is limiting.”
"History has long been associated with painfully boring classes about dusty old shit involving people who are like, totally dead. When people enjoy a movie like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, they don't think it's history; they think it's a good movie. By changing the name officially to The Hitler Channel, we get the best of both worlds!"
"The name USA has long been associated with overfed, overprivileged loud assholes who refuse to speak the local language when travelling and will send their overdeveloped military to interfere in areas where they have no business on the flimsiest of pretenses because they think God is both on their side and as stupid as they are. By changing the network name to Usay we can get away from the image of being particularly American, which was really holding us back, and also just incidentally, Usay can be trademarked while USA can't."
What a gigantic pack of flaming recta. Screw these guys, screw their shitty $3.95 'original' productions and Trek reruns, and screw their new Pokemon-sounding name, which I shall persist in pronouncing "Siffy". Most people with the goal of becoming bigger than Rupert Murdoch aren't thinking about doing it in the 'being an asshole' arena, but here we have a network cheerfully shitting on the heads of the market it was expressly created to exploit, in pursuit of some hypothetical audience that doesn't associate Siffy with geekery, and incidentally taking a moment to rub an extra wad of feces into the hair of every woman who has ever enjoyed a science fiction program ('cause we all know ain't no girls in the Battlestar Galactica fandom, and certainly, the one thing every female fan of science fiction needs is to be reminded that they don't really exist and/or aren't real women, who ought to be watching something more their speed like Oxygen, preferably on the TV screen built into their fridge so they can do it in the kitchen where they belong).
There's no remaining excuse for this channel to exist and I will not take seriously anyone who attempts in future to defend anything about them. They deserve nothing but to crash and burn and go down as the biggest, most embarrassing failure in television history (a tall order, but I think these protosimians can manage it quite neatly with just a little effort). Science fiction -- of which I am of course the living incarnation -- officially disowns Siffy and anyone ever associated with it including Edward James Olmos. Yes, it is true: science fiction is associated with 'dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basement'. So are the internet, the computer industry in general, every form of game that isn't played in a stadium, the sciences, and hundreds of millions of dollars in disposable income.
Good luck pursuing that fabulously large segment of the public who wouldn't want to associate with science fiction but would be perfectly happy to associate with the good name and brand identity of Siffy, there, assholes.
Oh, and here's a punchline:
But one key venture it won’t discuss is its work with Trion Worldwide to create content designed from the beginning to work on multiple platforms. Mr. Howe said the network is close to announcing a title and description of the project, which will launch as both a subscription-based, massively multiplayer online game and a television series.
Yeah, because if there's one thing that's not remotely associated with geeks and antisocial, dysfunctional boys in their basements, it's the MMORPG.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Prophet Guttenberg
In 1987, this scene from 'Amazon Women on the Moon' wasn't even science fiction, it was just absurdity.
Monday, January 11, 2010
The Time is Now
All right, America, we face the point where we have to address what's really in our hearts and take decisive action. Television, movies, video games -- from South Park to Dexter's Laboratory, Ren and Stimpy to Pinky and the Brain, Sam and Max to Night at the Museum 2 -- even Walt Disney was moved by the impulse that our pop-culture mass subconscious makes so clear. Ladies and gentlemen, I have identified the real American Dream, and I'm glad to say that it is easily within our capacities to realize if we only have the courage to act.
The time has come to replace the Lincoln Memorial statue with a giant Lincoln robot. We, as a nation, will never truly be at peace in our hearts until this comes to pass.
Update 1-17-10: I am pleased to announce that noble Americans have stepped forward to promote this worthy cause on Facebook, a...type of principle...
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Just Think of Sarah. The Rest is Easy.
Chris Sims' Invincible Super-Blog has issued the challenge, and none shall hold their head high but to answer! Hence my entry in this year's contest:
Frank Miller's All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder
in 30 Seconds!

(click T-Rex to view it because Blogger has cleverly and helpfully prevented me from just putting the goddamn thing on this page at a readable size.)
UPDATE: Well, did not win, or get an Honorable Mention, but I did get asked whether I'm dense or retarded, so that's all I could ever ask.
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