Monday, September 7, 2009

Our Top Story Tonight: YAY

Some good, very good, nigh unto miraculously good news: I got a graphic design job! Thanks in large part to my friend Matt, to whom I now owe a big huge lobster, I've been offered a paid internship working on design and web stuff for

So for the vast multitudes who've been hanging on this ever so intriguing saga, that means I'm not going to have to leave Austin, or even leave my current apartment. This for me is happy.

For anyone who's interested in The Devil's Virtue, expect to see some positive changes there in the near future -- I need to train myself up to speed on CSS and PHP like immediately, and I might as well practice on my own site, which needs yet another makeover anyway.

So in short: got job, job good, TDV soon more good. Oh, and that thing from before where I had intended to write a Lost article at least weekly is probably out the window, at least for the next few weeks (although heck, it's not like I still have five freakin months before the last season airs).

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