Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Getting Some Bad Ass

Frank Castle...

...finds demon-killing guns so hot, he'll even hit on a dude.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Ghost of Henson

Okay, so, you know, I'm sitting here watching Sesame Street (ahh fuck you it's what's on the noise-box at 7:30am) and there's this bit with some characters I'm too decrepit to know --specifically, a trio of Muppet faeries.

I wasn't paying attention to much of it, but apparently the sequence involved one of the faerie boys being temporarily made a prince. At the end, he's a bit disappointed not to be the prince anymore, but the teacher faerie offers him the assurance that he'll always be the faerie formerly known as Prince. I reading this joke wrong? Did they just totally call Prince a fairy on Sesame Street?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Beauty Thy Name is Miser

Matt sent this link to me, possibly in revenge for something: (video, sfw)

It''s just awesome. I mean in the sense of "terrible". I mean, it's just so, so awful...and yet, it was necessary that this should exist. I've already watched it like five times. It's just so charming, in the sense of having the fascination of some dark power at work.

Maybe it's those hairdos, recreating the heads of the original puppets with curious accuracy. Maybe it's the Misers' assistants, emphatically not recreating the original. Or maybe it's just that damn trombone hook. I mean, that sure is catchy.

In any case, this is totally my Christmas-spirit tap for the week.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Little-Advertised Advantage of Digital TV

The static, man. Digital broadcasts still get interference, but not the same grainy fuzzy hissing effects that TV signals used to get. Instead, you get these trippy pixellation effects, sometimes animating along with the image in bizarre ways -- as though characters on the screen had suddenly turned into smooth-flowing blocky robots. A screwed-up signal on digital just plain looks cooler than old-fashioned static.

Plus, when the sound is affected it usually cuts in and out cleanly, without that, well, staticky sound, so you can pretend that the moments of silence are covering tirades of vicious profanity.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Laughed So Hard I Fell Off

This is in response to a very old post* at Mike Sterling's Progressive Ruin (guess what I've been reading lately?), but I couldn't resist -- for no other reason that I can't believe none of Sterling's respondents had done this one.

* from almost THREE WHOLE YEARS AGO whoa did they even have internets then?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

He Thinks Dynamic Tension Must Be Hard Work

with your penis
...with your penis.


what, did you think I was kidding?
Oh, what, did you think I was just being randomly vulgar?

No, really...

seriously, look what he's doing here

(images found at Mike Sterling's Progressive Ruin. Used without permission from anyone.)