Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wha - what...? really, what the hell?

Don't think you've got the idea after just a few seconds, either. It gets even stranger.

Is this...kinky? Is it comedy? Is there any rational explanation at all, or is it actually Japanese?

The video's provenance is as baffling as its content; this comment on reddit seems to be the most detailed information available anywhere*, and the only thing it makes clear is that this is an intentionally bizarre mash-up.

It's been a while since I was literally struck speechless by anything online -- though My Name is Potato came close (it's not so much the song itself, as the passion Rita Pavone pours into serenading a cartoon tuber) -- so for that, a salute, I guess. The most perplexing thing about Ultimate Muscle Roller Legend, perhaps, is that it's just so damn plausible as a clip from some Japanese or possibly Korean video game (for instance, is URML really any more bizarre than the very existent Boon-Ga Boon-Ga?); all in all, it's probably for the best that we don't get to see a boss battle here.

* "anywhere" = "on the first page of results from a single Google search"

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