Friday, May 29, 2009

Revamp Update & Checklist

On the surface this may appear to be an effort to keep breathless fans up to the minute on the progress of The Devil's Virtue.  Secretly, though, this is just a note to myself, posted in public with the vague hope that it will provide pressure to finish this project in a timely manner.


TDV will consist of six sections:

00.  Main: "Home" page, featuring latest site news and a colorful menu leading to the other sections; two sub-page types, "News Archive" for collecting older News items, and "Contact", a one-page feature.
Main page design in orange, red and yellow, with gold metallic highlights and a fur-and-leather footer; visual theme, "Animals & Hunting".

  • Tapestry design & footer, logos & headers, accents -- all
  • "Welcome" text -- Home page
  • HTML conversion -- all (+ implementing News display)
  • "Contact" text -- Contact page
  • "News" items (no news yet available, really)

01. Gall:  "Illustration & Design Galleries" page, a menu of galleries, divided into categories; two sub-page types, "SubMenu" pages for individual galleries, and "PicDisplay" for popup screen to show individual pictures.
Gallery page design in green, blue & cyan, with gold metal and a leaf-and-flower themed footer; visual theme, "Plants & Gardening".

  • Tapestry design & footer, logos & headers, accents -- all
  • HTML conversion -- all three pages (+ implementing PicDisplay popup gallery navigator)
  • Galleries Menu categories, individual gallery names / logos / introductory text, file sorting by gallery
  • Selection, collection & polishing of files from misc. drives & sites to add to galleries
02. Artc: "Articles" menu; one subpage, "ArtcDisplay" for viewing text.  May need a "SubMenu" page style later, when more articles exist.
Articles page design in yellow, brown and olive, with gold metal and a square-and-diamond patterned footer; visual theme, "Construction & Architecture".

  • Tapestry design & footer, logos & headers, accents -- all
  • HTML conversion -- all
  • Articles Menu subsections / titles / logos / intro text / contents
  • Scouring old drives & sites for pieces of text worth polishing; writing more
03. Proj:  "Projects" menu; one subpage type, "ProjDisplay".  Probably will not need any SubMenu pages.
Projects page design in white, blue and black, with silver/blue metal and an undetermined footer schema; visual theme, "Snow & Frost"

These "Projects" are various settings & concepts I've been developing for many years, which haven't yet grown into real finished products but have produced a lot of art & writing over the years; this part of the site is designed to showcase these materials and get at least some kind of use out of them, and also possibly to help focus, improve and finish them, based on the feedback & interest of others.

  • Tapestry design -- all
  • Logos & headers, accents -- Projects page
  • Footers -- all
  • Logos & headers, accents -- ProjDisplay
  • Project selection / titles / logos / intro text
  • Project Page text, content
  • HTML conversion -- all
  • Scouting & polishing material
04. Cnct:  "Connections" page, featuring three sections: "/lookit", "/keepers" and "/egosphere"; for each section, this page displays part of the section's weblink list, and menus to "SubSection" and/or "Section Archive" pages.
Connections page design in blue, cyan and yellow, with silver/blue metal and an undetermined footer schema; visual theme, "Travel & Networks"

With the "Connections" part of the site I hope to build up a feature worth many repeat visits, a long and growing list of (short) reviews of sites I've visited and either recommend or want to poke fun at.  /lookit is a running journal of interesting ephemera, stuff that's caught my attention recently, with a growing archive to go back through if you're stuck for things to do; /keepers features somewhat longer reviews of sites with a long-term spot in my bookmarks bar, including frequently-visited columns and blogs, research and reference sites, and a special collection of sites which are long defunct but really worth reading; and /egosphere collects sites run or frequented by me and my friends.

  • Tapestry design -- all
  • Logos & headers, accents -- Connections page
  • Menu text -- Connections page
  • Footers -- all
  • Logos & headers, accents -- Section, SubSection & Archives pages
  • Selection of links, logos / text, organization of sections & subsections
  • HTML conversion -- all (+ seek ways to automate archiving)
05. Tech:  "Techniques" menu, "TechDisplay" subpage.  May need SubSection pages at some point, probably not for several years.
Techniques page design in purple, pink and black, with silver/purple metal and undetermined footer schema; visual theme, "Smoke & Magic".

"Techniques" is a collection of Photoshop tutorials, which may take a while to appear since I'm determined to get the new site up before I start writing tutorials.

  • Tapestry design -- all
  • Footers, logos & headers, accents -- all
  • Subheader & individual tute names / logos / intro text, organization of menu
  • HTML conversion -- all
  • Writing the actual tutorials & producing needed graphics -- all

And that seems to cover it.  Not too bad; a lot of things in the "Unfinished" section are unfinished but not unstarted.  I'd say ETA for the graphics, about 3-4 days; ETA on the new site launch about 1-2 weeks afterward, depending on how much I have to do and how much I can con my good friend Matt into helping with.

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